Speaking Proposal Submission

{{exhibition_date}} {{exhibition_name}}

  • An image that represents your proposal.
  • A brief summary of your proposal (120 words max.).
  • Up to 5 keywords that best describe your proposal.
  • A PDF file for catalogue entry. How to create your file → See Here
  • (IMPORTANT: If a speaker is also an exhibitor, the PDF page for the catalog(ue) entry must differ from the one in their exhibitor profile. Otherwise, only one page will be published to avoid duplicate content.)

{{ errors.applicationType }}
{{ errors.presentationTitle }}
{{ errors.speakingTime }}
  • The summary/description will be displayed on the event website.
  • Enter a description of up to 120 words. Be concise and ensure the audience knows what to expect and what will be delivered during your talk. This is your commitment to the attendees.

{{ errors.presentationDescription }}
The Keywords are used as tab header at catalogue search, speaker index, etc.

{{ errors.presentationKeywords }}

  • This image (e.g., your brand logo or product/service image) will be displayed on the exhibitor index page. The maximum file size is 2 MB.
  • You can upload the file here or send it later via email.
{{ errors.avatar }}
  • You can upload the file here or send it later via email.
  • You can update the file after submission, up until the event starts.

Edit after submission

  • You can make changes after submission at no charge, up until the event starts.
  • Please send the new files via email. The update will occur within the next 24 hours. Check the respective webpage for updates.
{{ errors.contactTitle }}
{{ errors.contactName }}
Please ensure that you provide a valid email address, this is the primary method we communicate with you.
{{ errors.primaryEmail }}
Add a secondary email address as a backup in case your primary email is unreachable.
{{ errors.secondaryEmail }}
{{ errors.company }}
{{ errors.country }}
{{ errors.website }}
{{ errors.billingAddress }}
{{ errors.vatId }}
{{ errors.telephone }}
{{ errors.message }}

A certificate (in PDF format) will be automatically emailed one week after the event ends.
Each speaker may apply for a maximum of 5 free guest tickets to invite attendees to the conference. A paying speaker may apply for up to 10 tickets.
{{ errors.guestTickets }}
{{ errors.conditions }}

Thank you!

A copy of your submission will be emailed to the address you provided.
You should receive our response within 24 business hours. If you do not, please check your SPAM FOLDER.

(in German) Eine Kopie Ihrer Anmeldung haben wir Ihnen als Bestätigung an die von Ihnen angegebene E-Mail-Adresse gesendet.
Wir antworten werktags innerhalb von 24h. Wenn Sie keine Antwort von uns erhalten haben, sehen Sie bitte in Ihrem SPAM-ORDER nach.

Your DEMACH Events Team

© {{ currentYear }} DEMACH Event- und Veranstaltungs GmbH. Berlin, Germany.